

Removes Any Files and Directories Not Commited

# `-i` will run the cleaning process interactively
$ git clean -i -d
# Setting `-f` instead of `-i` will remove everything "not commited" automatically
$ git clean -f -d


In your git config (e.g., ~/.config/git/config) add a [alias] section:

# ...
    alias_name = "your alias command(s)"
# ...

Remove branches that don't have a remote branch

Make sure that you don't have important local branches without a remote branch.
    bclean = "!git fetch -p && for branch in $(git branch -vv | gawk '{print $1,$4}' | awk '/ gone]/{if ($1!=\"*\") print $1}'); do git branch -D $branch; done && echo 'Removed branches without remote anymore.'"