undefined - 2017

KubeCon 2017 Austin

KubeCon 2017 Austin

Talks, keynotes, thoughts and pictures from the KubeCon Texas, Austin 2017. Be aware that this post contains many photos! Check you wifi before opening.
Alexander Trost

Alexander Trost

Writing your first Golang Microthingy Presentation

Writing your first Golang Microthingy Presentation

A presentation about writing a Microservice in Golang. Talks about the basics, why Microservices? Why Golang?
Alexander Trost

Alexander Trost

GitLab + Kubernetes: GitLab on top of Kubernetes

GitLab + Kubernetes: GitLab on top of Kubernetes

How to run GitLab on top of a Kubernetes cluster with persitent storage.
Alexander Trost

Alexander Trost

Container Linux: Deploy on Bare-Metal without DHCP server

Container Linux: Deploy on Bare-Metal without DHCP server

This is more of a quick writeup in form of a note on how to deploy Container Linux on bare-metal without DHCP server.
Alexander Trost

Alexander Trost

GitLab + Kubernetes: Running CI Runners in Kubernetes

GitLab + Kubernetes: Running CI Runners in Kubernetes

How to run GitLab CI Runners in Kubernetes using the GitLab CI Runner's Kubernetes executor.
Alexander Trost

Alexander Trost

Ceph: rbd bench Commands

Ceph: rbd bench Commands

Commands for running rbd bench(marks).
Alexander Trost

Alexander Trost

Kubernetes - WYNTK - GitLab CI + Kubernetes Presentation

Kubernetes - WYNTK - GitLab CI + Kubernetes Presentation

A presentation about "What You Need To Know" about using GitLab CI with Kubernetes for Continous Delivery as a quick overview.
Alexander Trost

Alexander Trost

GitLab + Kubernetes: Perfect Match for Continuous Delivery with Container

GitLab + Kubernetes: Perfect Match for Continuous Delivery with Container

This post shows possibilites on how to use GitLab in combination with Kubernetes to contionously deliver your applications with Container.
Alexander Trost

Alexander Trost

Container Linux: Specification YAML

Container Linux: Specification YAML

The Container Linux config specification as a YAML template.
Alexander Trost

Alexander Trost

Google Cloud: Enterprise Grade Hybrid Cloud with Kubernetes Cluster Federation

Google Cloud: Enterprise Grade Hybrid Cloud with Kubernetes Cluster Federation

These are my thoughts and notes about the presentation and overall the Google Cloud Kubernetes Federation event itself.
Alexander Trost

Alexander Trost

Container Days 2017 Hamburg

Container Days 2017 Hamburg

Some thoughts, notes, comments and pictures from the Container Days 2017 in Hamburg.
Alexander Trost

Alexander Trost

Golang: go get from GitLab

Golang: go get from GitLab

I just now came across the problem that I created a repository on a private GitLab instance for a Golang project and could not just use go get ... to get it.\nAfter a short Google search, I came across this StackOverflow question and thankfully it had a working answer.
Alexander Trost

Alexander Trost

Kubernetes Elasticsearch Operator

Kubernetes Elasticsearch Operator

Installation and examples for using my elasticsearch operator (GitHub galexrt/elasticsearch-operator).
Alexander Trost

Alexander Trost

(Old) Docker Presentation

(Old) Docker Presentation

An older presentation of I made for my training.
Alexander Trost

Alexander Trost

Kubernetes v3 Presentation

Kubernetes v3 Presentation

The latest version of my Kubernetes presentation. Containing some of the new Kubernetes features.
Alexander Trost

Alexander Trost

Copyright © 2025 Alexander Trost. All rights reserved.